Saturday, May 3, 2008

Late Night Wii

Friday night I didn't really do anything. I went to dinner with my family and then went to bed. I had to work at 7 Saturday morning and I was so tired from working all week long and Saturday was just not a good morning. I was so tired all day so when I got off all I wanted to do was sleep. So that is exactly what I did was sleep from the second I got home at 3pm...Saturdat night after waking up my cousin Jordan came over and our friend Steve Aka Even Steven came over. Us 3 and my parents ate a late night snack of Strawberry Shortcake and then played the Wii.. SO FUN! Let me just say that I am truly the Anna Cornacova of Wii Tennis.. ( Beautiful looks and all hehe).. I was so good. We played Tennis and Bowling on the Wii and we decided that we are going to start a Wii Bowling Leauge. We will get together every Thursday Night and play the Wii bowling. We will have shirts and all. The winning team for the week will take home the trophy. We need one more player. Or if there is more then one person who wants to join.. then more teams.. and more the marrier! Yay! It is going to be sa-weet. And everyone is going to be jelous of our Wii bowling leauge. Anyways.. It was really fun hanging out and playing Wii.. Thanks for coming to play just like old times =)

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