Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm blonde. Whats your problem?

So I decided to go to The Sev last night. ( For you losers .. the sev is AKA 7-11.) I wanted to get a coke. Not just a coke. A Coke in a cup of ice. So I yander to the Sev. And while I am there I decide.. Well.. I guess I should get gas... Ugh. I hate getting gas. I get all smelly like gas. Sick. And well you never know when my car will just die when it gets barley below a half a tank. Yes. A Half of a tank. Boo. So I get gas and while I am paying for it the cashier says " What are you up to?" But.. he says it in a way as if he knows me. And I am thinking to my self. I don't know you weird 7-11 cashier man, I have never seen you in my life so why would you care what I am doing? So I reply " Not much..??" And then he looks at me with this look like .. Uhm ok physco. But I am thinking Well. you asked. And then I turned around and he was totally talking to the guy behind me who he obviously knew and they just continue their conversation. How rude. I was his customer at the time. I was the one who was paying for my gas and cup of ice and coke. He should have been paying attention to me. Not his underaged punk friend behind me who was getting ready to buy his beer and ciggy's. How rude. He should have asked me " What are you up to?" Lame. He made me feel like such a douche bag. I bet if the 7-11 man has a blog he made me the douche of the day. But it was his fault. He needs some new customer service training.. Ps.. I apologize for this puke green color I was trying to make it look like the 7-11 green. But it looks like poo a little. My apologies

1 comment:

Meagen Ridley said...

oh this just made my day..haha