Saturday, May 3, 2008

Douche Of The Day!

So my favorite morning radio show X96 Radio From Hell With Keri Bill and Gina do a thing called the " Boner of the Day" And they use 3 stories of stupid people and the stupid things they do to make them the Boner of the Day" and people choose 1 to make them the winner of the day and then on Fridays the do the Boner of the Week and choose between all of the ones from the week. Does that make since? I hope so becuase I don't want to go into more detail. So, at work or just anywhere I am I for some reason seem to attract idiotic ( wow.. big word for me go me go) Idiotic Douche bags who love to ask me stupid questions, or just say stupid things to me or do stupid things around me. Sometimes I laugh at their stupidity, Sometimes I am just annoyed but blow it off, sometimes it just down right pisses me off and puts me in a bad mood. So Every day I will do a Blog Post called The Douche Of The Day. These posts will contain the reason that person is the Douche of the day, and the story that goes along with it. Then on Fridays I will do a poll on my Blog and we will pick the winner of the week. I hope you all enjoy. Oh and trust me all these stories are real.

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