Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Its the freakin weekend baby bout to have me some fun!

Hello blogging world. And by blogging world I mean the only like 4 people who actually read my blog Clayton, Meagen, Johanna and Niesha! Hello friends! My sister Meagen told me that I needed to update my blog becuase she gets bored at work and needs something to read. I find it funny that people actually get a few minutes away from bordem just from reading about my bitching. Becuase to be honest sometimes I get tired of my own bitching. So I thought I would blog about my weekend. Most of you know (and agian the 4 of you know) that I have been really super sick for ever! Since January 12th to be Exact. Really sick and I am really sick of it. So this weekend I decided that I did not want to lay in bed and be miserable and just think about how miserable I feel. So I decided that I would go out and keep my mind of things.. And this weekend my sister Meagen and I were non stop Go go go. ( I know right! I actually did something on a weekend! Go me go!) I Stayed up real late on Friday night thinking that I would listen to my friend Clayton and Pauls radio show that they do... my stupidness kicked in and remembered that they do not do their radio show untill Saturday nights.. DOH! okay so then Saturday morning I get up and I go to Costco with My sister and My mom... agian DOH!.. I dont know what is wrong with the costco shoppers. That place is CRAZY TOWN!!!.. What is it with people who just decide to STOP right in front of people to have a conversation with their Neighbors cousins sisters... OH MY GOSH! You do not just STOP right in front of people.. and then give ME the stink eye because I was forced to ram my 400 pound cart right in to the back of your heel... Like I did that on purpose... ( hee hee =) )... And.. I am sorry.. People you just hover around the Free sample tables waiting for the old person serving cooks more becuase all of you crazy costco shoppers just inhaled her entire table of free granola and yogurt or the old guys table of free spaggeti and meatballs... Btw... Sample tables are being added to my list of things that should go. It is discusting. Along with the people who just stand there and keep eating and eating. Sick! You are all discusting. I hate costco. Never going there agian. And I hate the rich ladies who are there that think they are better then you and think that because they are rich its okay to just butt right in front of me or cut me off with their cart.. Bitch! Get out the way! at one part of the shopping experience I Found an isle that had an empty spot at the bottom of the shelf.. I Curled up in the Fetal position and just hid...Man.. Oh and by the way I decided that I am not being quiet about my opinions anymore about people or if I have something mean to say about someone I dont just quitely whisper it to someone.. So watch out... So after we survied the whole Costco experience me and Meagen went to see Juno. I L.o.v.e Juno.. ( See previous post on my love for Juno) Then on Saturday night we went and Saw Definitaly, Maybe. It was so cute!!! Not what I expected but it was so totally good. And Ryan Reynolds is hot. So then I spent the night at Meagens apartment and I was really feeling sick probably becuase everything that I had eaten that day was from a movie theatre and a food court. SICK! So since I was not feeling well I just went to bed. Sunday morning we got up and we drove to Sandy to go and see 27 Dresses.. We got lost.. Had to call Clayton for directions. Found theatre.. bought tickets.. Walked in late.. Oh and this weekend discovered that me and Meagen can not make it to a movie on time. Every one we went to this weekend we walked in after the lights and everything were turned off and the previews are going.. we look like retards tripping over the stairs and laughing at ourselvs haha! funny.. Anyway.. 27 dresses.. I cant even blog about.. I am so upset and dissapointed.. That movie Sucked ass.. And thats about it. Then we went to Ruby River for dinner.. MMmmm a Steak House! My Favorite! Animal on a plate! What... I DONT EAT MEAT! YUCK! and Ruby River.. word of advice.. If your going to pretend like you are this nice steak house.. Do not serve Peanuts at every table.. I am not at some gross bar! Sick! And my food tasted like a salt lick. Gross.. But what I ordered was the only thing that did not have ANIMAL in it.. But thanks for dinner Meg! Haha! Like I said.. I am not being sneaky about my rude opinions anymore! Haha! So there you have it there is my blog about my weekend. I hope Meagen had as much fun with me as I did with her! Pretty much.. We are awesome. Oh and we decided that no matter how crappy I feel or how crappy she feels.. We will be going out every weekend and doing something! Anything! We are crazy! Party Animals! Woot Woot.. If anyone wants to join in our Crazy Wild lifes please let us know.. We are fun!

1 comment:

Niesha said...

What you wanted to eat Ryan Renyalds Meet?...Is that what this post said?...because that is what I got out of it! mmmm...ryan's meet!