Wednesday, March 12, 2008

..Getting To Know Me..

1. lets start out with your name. Holli Denee' Ridley old will you be in 6 months? I will be 21! Wahoo! I can be a drunkerd now! Yay!
3.Can you do the splits? Oh yes.. In more ways then one!

Did you ever want to be a doctor? Well at work when people ask me what I am going to school for I tell them I am a surgical intern.. But that is as far as my medical career will take me..
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? Uhm no not so much..
Did you ever want to be a teacher? Yeah when I was little.. now the thought of having to teach little shits every day makes me want to pull my hair out.
Did you ever break the law? Its only breaking the law if you don't get caught.. and I never have.. and if I ever do I will just bat my baby blues and flirt my way out of trouble hehe.

Do you like rollercoasters? Depends on how big it is... ( thats what she said) haha!
Do you own a bike? No.. I use to own a blue bannana bike... What are with those ugly things?
Do you play the lotto? uhm.. No.. I play Keno though while im in Reno or Vegas!
Do you like football? I love College Football.. Go big red.
Do you have a shopping addiction? No not really... I'm not a big shopper.. Well kind of I am a compulsive shopper but im not really Addicted to shopping. did that make sence? Probably not.

Does your family have family picnics? No..
Does your wallet have any pics in it? Yeah I think it has a picture of my family in it and then it has Anthony and Barrets baseball trading cards. Oh! And it has my fake Britney Spears Drivers licence in it! Hehe.. I mean.. I don't have one of those..

Last person you hung out with? Meagen.. Well I guess I hung out with my mom last night.. She watched greys anatomy with me for a while becuase i was
Last car ride? Uhm When I drove to work with my mom this morning.
Last text message? Was from Jesse saying goodnight Last night
Last baby you held? Katrinas baby in January. I am pretty sure that is the only time I have held a baby.. New born babys have that discusting rubbery smell to them and it makes me want to throw up.
Last time you shaved? Yesterday in the shower..Is it true if you put lotion on right after you shave it will make it so your hair wont grow back as fast.. hmmm.. that can be my pondering question for the day...

What was the last thing you bought? uhm.. I don't even know.. maybe a drink at work? hahah probably not though.. me.. pay for it.. HA! .. i mean.. just kidding
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.. Im being healthy =)
What was the last thing you watched? George Lopez becuase I couldnt sleep last night.
What was the last thing you read? Uhm well right now I am reading The Lovely Bones.. But I have not finished it yet so I don't know if that counts.
What was the last thing you hand wrote?I hand write things at work all day!

Who last talked to you on the phone? I talk to people on the phone all day at work, but the last person I talked to was one of my managers Dave.
Who was the last person you took a picture of? Uhm.. Me and Jesse I think when he was here visiting.
Who was the last person to leave you a comment? Comment on what.. Facebook.. Myspace. My blog.. oh dear I need a life..
Who do you miss right now? I miss alot of people right now, I miss Jesse, I miss my sister Madison, I miss Barret and Anthony, and I miss my friends Mary, and Even steven, and Jacqueline, My list could go on and on.. I miss alot of people.
Who last hugged you? My mom I believe

Have any tattoos? Nope.. I am still debating on if I want one or not.
Have you any piercings? Yes my ears and my belly button
Straight hair or curly? Well.. As a matter of fact my hair is curly right now well.. curly as it can be after sleeping on it last night and having laid on it all day yesterday haha but usually my hair is just straight.
Where are you? I am at work.. being very productive obviously.. hehe

Failed a class? Mmm That question for me should be more like "Ever passed a class?"
Sang in front of a crowd? Yes.. but not by myself
Want a relationship? Have one
Wanna get married to a pimp? Hells Ya I do!!! Have little pimp babies!

In The Past 24 Hours:
have you talked to a cute boy/girl? uhm.. I have only talked to like Meagen and Clayton today and they are both really cute! =)
What are you most scared of? Getting E-coli and being kidnapped..two biggest fears in the world
Do you like being around people?uhm Depends on how I am feeling and what kind of mood I am in.. If I am not feeling well and I am in a bad mood people usualy dont want to be around me.. thats right.. watch out!
Have you cried recently? Yes... I cry all the time! I am very emotional!
Have you been on radio/tv? No I dont think so.
What time is it? It is 10:05
How much cash do you have on you right now? None! Me? Have money? I wish!
Do you have any plants in your room?No.. If I ever get flowers then I put them in my room but I dont have plants or anything like that and its not very often that I get flowers =(..Hint hint
Where was you default picture taken? default picture on my blog? Its on top of the dugout at the Orem Owlz Field... me hanging up K's for Trever Bell and Jeremy Haynes amazing games!
If you could go back in time and change something would you? I would change ALOT of things.
If you could be an animal for one day what would you be? I would be my dog.. Becuase there is no other animal in the world that is as spoiled as my dog..
What do you usually order from star bucks? I dont go there very often but when I get a chia Latee
Do you have a car? Yes ma'am
where's your dad right now? At home
whats on your mind? A lot of things.. mostly how much my stomach hurts and how people at work at annoying me...
who is the last person you texted? Johanna Bannana! My favorite girl!
where is your phone? In my purse on the floor next to me
what were you thinking about when you fell asleep last night? How I wanted to throw up
what are you excited for? My disneyland trip in May with Johanna!!! And Baseball Season!! And
what are you doing for spring break? Uhm well Since I am not in school Spring Break really means nothing to me..
does your family get family portraits done? We did In.. September I think it was... first time in like 10 years! Haha! Last time we got them done we were all rockin the Bangs to heaven with matching Flannel shirts and Socks with Sandles! Sweet!
are you mad at anyone? Uhm not at the moment..
how old are your parents? I dont know...I dont have that many fingers to cound with ;) Jk..
how many kids do you want? I dont know .. no more then 3!
what color is your room? This Olivey Greenish brown color.. It sounds So ugly but its really really pretty!

your parents own businesses? No
Would you rather have a gf/bf, or friends with benefits? Boyfriend.. but sometimes guys are stupid with relationships so they are just better off as friends with benefits
Do you tell your best friends everything? Yeah! And sometimes when they dont ask they are just forced to listen to me hahahha
How have you felt today? Better then I have the past 2 days but still not all that great! =( Story of my life!!
Where is your heart? In my chest.. I learned that from my surgical internship hahah!
Do you wish on stars? Yes! Of course!
Do you have a job? Yes
What would you do if you were getting attacked by a bear? Use my rape whistle on it
What do you want to change in your life right now?So many things! but this blog is like a novel anyway so i wont make it longer with everything in my life that i would change.. so thanks for your time.. I love you all.. Peace and Love =)

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