Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"It is just a phase"

I know. I know. I have got some serious blogging to do..Usually I blog at work becuase I have nothing else better to do but for some reason I have been real busy the past 2 days at work. And I am sorry this post is not going to come with pictures or anything, it is just going to be one of my long, posts with me just writting whats on my mind. And boy I've got a lot on my mind to say! Like I said I usually blog at work but I have been so busy the past two days and I don't even know why. There has not been like a ton of people in the hotel. Yes, the phones do ring off the hook all day and apaprently I am the only one in the office that is capable of answering the phones. Yes I know that is my job but There is only one of me, and about 19 different phone lines. It is really annoying when people don't ask if I need help. Or don't help me when I ask for it. Expecially when I know that they are deffinitaly not busy doing anything else, And if they are doing something I can assure you it is not work related. But Thank you Clayton for always helping me =).. Anyways, So I could go on and on about everything that is bothering me about work like how I wish I had a normal job that comes with Sick days that you can take, Vacation days, If your in a bad mood your allowed to be in a bad mood your not forced to stand at a desk all day forced to put on a smile and pretend like you care about people. But I am just going through my " I hate my job" Phase right now. It happends. Its a phase where I am completely miserable at my job I hate it, I hate the people that I have to deal with I hate the people that I work with I hate everything about it, I hate the fact that I can't call in sick when I don't feel good becuase no one will ever cover the desk, but everyone else can call in, or not show up, or can be late, and its no big deal at all. I hate the fact that I have to fix everyones mistakes and the people that make the mistakes will never get talked to about it and nothing will ever ever change. I know that I could go and find a new and better job but like I said its just a phase. So in a few days when I relize that nothing will ever change I will be over my "I hate work" Phase, and all will be well agian. I guess anyways..

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