Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Get Well =(

I know this is kind of... well... not usually what I blog about but its my blog and I will do what I want on it. If you don't like it click that little red X at the top right of your screen and farewell! I know this is kind of a depressing post but this little boy and his family have been in my thoughts and prayers the past few weeks and I hope that you guys will keep him in yours as well.

I don't know if any of you have heard about the little boy Tyler who was wrapped in toilet paper by his friends and then he was lit on fire at the Geneva Park. He is up at the U of U hospital in the ICU. He has been there for about 2 weeks now and he was just barley taken off of the ventilator. He is breathing on his own now but at night he has to have a breathing tube. He was unconscious for about a week but now he is alert. He suffered second degree burns on the entire left side of his body, and along his neck and his face are 3rd degree burns. Click RIGHT HERE for the link to read one of the many News Artical about this. Anyway, one of my managers at the hotel is the Uncle of this little boy and he said that he really needs all the prayers that he can get. He is doing a little better each day but is not in good spirits. The family is really in need of Prayers and good thoughts of Tyler getting better and him being okay. There is an account set up for Tyler at Zions Bank that you can donate money to that will help him and his family out. ( His full name is Tyler Morgan) ..anyway if everyone could just keep him in your prayers I know his family will appreciate it. ( Ps...The story about Tyler was even talked about on Perezhilton.com! Whoa!)

1 comment:

Niesha said...

Oh..Holli, bless your heart! That is the sadest story I have ever heard. My prayers don't count for much but he will be in them!