Saturday, August 23, 2008

Uhh..Could you go to your room and do that? Thanks.

At the hotel we have alot of guests stay that are here viting their kids that are at Schools like Heritage School and Provo Canyon. Schools for troubled youth. When the students have the privilege to leave campus they get to come and stay with their parents. Sometimes when you see them in the lobby or at breakfast or whatever you would not even be able to tell that there is a problem. But SoOoMeTiMeS you get to see the problems with the parents and the troubled kids.

I got to see it this morning.

Here is the problem. Troubled student has an internet Myspace boyfriend. ( Apparently they have been talking for 3 years.."Come on mom 3 years!!!") She is writting him an email on the lobby computer, and wants to give him the address of her school here and her house so he can send her stuff.

Mom says: " NO!"

Troubled child says: "But But he won't give it out to anyone else! I Promise! I know him! Do you want to call him and ask him. He won't give it out to anyone else and he won't come to the house or dads house mom pleeeeeeeeeease."

Mom says:" No you know what happened last time they will come to the house I said no!!"

Troubled child: " I am NEVER coming back home if you do this to me!!! NEVER!"

( Nice threat by troubled child but if you think about it kid.. they sent you away. Your trouble. Maybe they don't want you back. . )

They continue to have this same argument about the internet boyfriend not getting their home address and they are just screaming at eachother in the lobby. Like they are at their own home, with no one around them and no one else listening to them scream at eachother.

Its really sad. Really..really..sad.

Having said that.......I know it is my job to go to them and say " Uh..I am sorry to interupt but unfortinatly we have other guests in the lobby who might be disturbed eating their breakfast so if you wouldn't mind going up to your room or going outside or lowering your voies."
Yeah.. that would be my job to do that. But I don't. Why you ask? Becuase I am entertained by it. Sad..but true. Usually standing at the front desk listening to people in the lobby I hear business people say things like " Well John the numbers are down!" or " What is her problem why did she not turn those papers in?" Things like that... Nothing to exciting.. So to here THIS .. its entertaining. But sad.

The point of this blog is that I am greatful that my parents never sent me away to a school for troubled youth. Not that I ever deserved it. I was an angel child. =) And I am glad that I did not grow up in a family where we scream and yell at eachother. I was never even grounded ( and that probably was deserved a time or two.) I am glad that I grew up with awesome parents that were not crazy and they are probably glad that I was not a hell child. Most of the time. Anyways although it keeps me entertained when they argue it makes me really sad to see that familes go through that. I just don't get how you can disrespect your parents like that. Even if they are " Physco." I am greatful that I have a good relationship with my parents and that we never go through that and I did not grow up in a family where screaming and yelling and arguing is normal. Thanks Famdamily. Love Loves =)

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