Monday, August 25, 2008

Half and Half

(* Authors Note.. This was suppose to be a "High School" survey but since most of you know I only went to high school for 2 months the rest I did the Home and Hospital program this is going to be half Jr.High and half High school post for me... okay ready go.)

1. Did you date someone from your school? No I didn't.. I was a huge flirt but anytime I got asked out I would just blow the guy off. Haha well if you want to count " going out" with Bryson.. and by going out I mean we never talked to eachother or saw eachother...and I was totally hanging out and macking on other guys....but I was " Going out" with him.. Haha good times.

2. What kind of car did you drive? I didn't drive I didn't get my licence until I was 18 becuase the awesome Drivers Ed teacher called me a Snotty Bitch and then flunked me. ( That was Mr. Laraghue) And yes I have a witness that he really did call me a snotty bitch. Also my doctor would not let me drive until I was off of pain medication so I had to wait a while. But when I did start to drive I drove ..and still do a Chevy Cavalier... aka The Shark Attack!

3. Were you a party animal? No not so much when I was in Junior High I kept Super Busy with School ( Not that I was a good student at all) and then after school ever night I was at dance until like 10:00pm so I never really had time to do anything else. And then in High school I like died so no I was not a party animal... but I am pretty sure if I was I would be known as the slutty drunk dancer girl =)

4. Were you considered a flirt? I was a huge flirt... I never stole anyones boyfriend or anything.. well not really.. but I was a big flirt..I still am.. Hee Hee

5. Were you in band, orchestra or choir? I was in choir! I was not choir chick like on American Pie or anything haha but I took choir as a class. And only becuase it had like a BUNCH of my friends in it and the teacher was one of my dance coaches soooooo I pretty much got out of having to go to every concert and performance and still passed with flying colors! ...One time we were suppose to split up into groups and get in front of the class and sing a song together.... My group got up and sang Animal Crackers in My Soup. Haha... Oh gol..

6. Were you a nerd? No not really..I was not like a geeky pocket protecter love my calculator nerd but I was a nerd becuase I was kind of a stupid blonde. Not much has changed.

7. Were you on any varsity teams? No I didn't make it to Senior Year I was in Home School that year.

8. Did you get suspended/expelled? I swear I got Lunch Detention All the time!! I never got suspended or expelled but I was always getting lunch detention. But the supervisor or whatever for that was one of my friends mom so she never made me call my parents or anything hahah she let me play on her laptop the whole time.. Haha lunch detention was awesome.

9. Can you still sing the fight song? Uhh. No. I was a Cheerleader my Sophmore year ...the whole 3 months I was in school ( PS...I am the only cheerleader at that high school that was actually kicked off the squad. I got kicked off for never being at school and having Horrible Grades) Anyway I was a cheerleader and I don't know the Fight Song.

10. Who were your favorite teachers? I liked my first home and hospital tutor. For my Foods Class he said " Make me some muffins and if I eat them and don't die then you pass" Hahah By the way thats how like all of my classes were I had a tutor come out for an hour once a week to my hour or the hospital where ever I was and If I didn't feel good that week I just called and canceled school haha Sweet Man.

11. Where did you sit during lunch? At my kitchen table. In Junior High I was all over the place I never sat in a spot but when I did it was always the same table but I never really ate so I never really needed to sit...

12. What was your school's full name? Mountain View High School and Orem Junior High

13. What was your school's mascot? It was a Bruin. What the hell is a bruin?

14. Did you go to homecoming and who with? I only went one year I went my Senior year and I went with Reed Doxey.. What an awesome guy... I had so much fun but I was soooo Sick! I had been throwing up all night befor and all day long haha I am sure I was a ball of fun

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? I have always said that if I could go back to anytime in my life I would go back to 9th grade.. I loved it!!! I had so much fun and I miss having dance be my entire life and ohhhhh I just miss it so much. I had so much fun that year. But High school? Oh Hell no. I would never go back. I had horrible rumors go around about me when I stopped going to school. I was known as the Pregnant Anorexic girl who was on drugs and in rehab and that is why my doctors pulled me out of school...Would YOU want to go back to that?...didn't think so.. If I ever got to go back to 9th grade though I would do things differently. I would try harder in my classes becuase I never cared so I never tried.. I would be nicer to people.. sometime I was a real bitch.. I would deffinitaly tell Alex that I was in love with him so he could have known then and not now 8 years later, and I would deffinitaly tell Mr. Byington my English teacher to stick it where the sun don't shine and go to hell.

16. What do you remember most about graduation? My graduation day was my 18th birthday and I told my parents the only thing I wanted was not having to walk. They said " You will miss out on this High School experiance if you don't" Ok News flash.... I laid in a hospital bed for my entire High School experience..... I missed out on everything else.. I don't need this!!! But in the end they made me walk and I am really glad they did it really was an awesome experience and it really was the only thing that made me feel like a normal high school student hahah I know that sounds dumb but it was and I am really glad I did it. Oh and when I nominated myself Valivictorian of my class... Go Team me. Hehe I was the only one in my " class" hahaha So funny I am.

17. Where did you go Senior Skip Day? Every day was Senior Skip day for me! Yay!!! Really though..being at home in bed or in the hospital EVERY DAY really got old and was not as nice as you would think it would be.

18. Were you in any clubs? Yes when I started the Home and Hospital program I was in the " I don't feel good" club. It was pretty awesome. Just kidding. No I was not in clubs. But I was on the Drill ( Dance) team all 3 years of Junior High and then my Sophmore year in High School I was a cheer leader. Go Team Go.

19. Have you gained some weight since then? Well... The most ever I ever weighed in Jr High and in High School was 87 pounds... When I got really really sick I was down to I think 81.. and now since I am a Chunky MkChunk and weigh ..uhm alot more then that.. I would say....yyyyeeeesssss... Call me Mcbeefkins.

20. Who was your prom date? My Prom date was the same as my Homecoming date and it was Reed those were the only 2 dances I went to. Reed made them really fun and since we were friends and have known eachother ForEvuuHh we had alot of fun.

21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Thats a big Hell to the No.

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