Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mesquito MADNESS

Fishing Pole: $20.00

Utah Fishing License: $8.00

Utah Lake Admission Fee: $9.00

The experience of being attached by bugs so badly it makes you have a panic attack: Priceless.

I don't even know how to start this post. I guess I am just going to dive right in. So as most of you know each summer we have Orem Owlz players that live with us. This year our players names are Buddy and Beau. Sweetest guys you will ever meet. L.o.v.e them! Well they had the day off yesterday and so they decided to go fishing! When I was a young lad I liked to go fishing in my grandma and grandpa's pond. Now the only fishing I do is on my nintendo Wii. Anyway, So I have been really depressed the past few days and pretty anti social, so my big brothers ( Beau and Buddy) being the sweet guys they are asked if I would go fishing with them. After a long discussion and a few agreements I decided that I would go. My one condition on going was that we had to be home no later then 10:30 pm ( I am old fart and like to go to bed early) So Buddy, Beau, Meagen, Myself and my Mom all jumped in the Rodeo and we were off. Like I said the only fishing that I do now is on the Wii and since I don't think that my Nintendo controler would help me much at a REAL lake with REAL fish we had to go and get Meagen and I one. ( These ones were not near as fun... It did not vibrate when I got a catch nor did it have light up features when I casted it out) So we got to Wal Mart and Beau and Buddy picked out our poles ( Do Meagen and I look like we know which Poles to pick?) They did good though they were sure to make mine Pink! So thank you Beau and buddy. We got on our Fishin license and we were our way!

At this point my mind was off of everything and I was feeling very outdoorsy very Crocadile Dundie and I was very excited to go Fishing! On our way to the Lake Me Beau and Meagen were having a very fun time in the back seat Laughing and quoting lines from our favorite show F*R*I*E*N*D*S!! ( I guess I made Tator Totts!)

We got to the Lake and Buddy and Beau started setting up and getting our reels ready ( is that the word.. reel.. I dont know. I didn't learn the fishing Lingo) My mom took pictures and Meagen and I .. just.. sat..there... oh yeah we played with Ducks.

Once we got all set up I start to cast out! I casted out maybe 3 times. I was out in the water for about 10 minutes...and then... it happened. It was like a bad horror movie. The sun went down and the moon came out. It was dark. I heard them buzzing. Buzzing all around me. Everywhere I looked... Bugs.. Red ones. Big ones. Buzzing ones. I am getting the chills just thinking about it. I pulled my hood over my head and thought to my self " No.. I am going to catch a fish and have fun I am not stopping becuase of a bug." I just decided to reel my line in and move to a different spot. I walked over to the other side of the pier and casted out agian. They were even worse. I started to freak out a little bit. Not a lot just a little bit. I reeled in and decided to just maybe watch for a while. I started walking to the car and the bugs were EVERYWHERE. They were surrounding me. I looked behind me to the side of me and the front of me I was just circled by thousands of mesquitos and discusting bugs. They were so loud. I could feel them in my ears down my shirt in my hair they were everywhere. I started to really freak out and started to hypervinalate. I just dropped my pole and I started running to the car. Once I got in the car I could hear them outside the windows there was atleast 200 of them on the front window. The buzzing is what really freaked me out. Meagen saw me in the car freaking out and ripping my clothes off to get the bugs off of me and so she came and sat in the car with me. She thought it was the funniest damn thing and started laughing at me. I went into a full on panic attack...crying,shaking,screaming, wanting to throw up I was shaking my head and my hair and taking my clothes off to get them off of me. I even peed my pants a little! Just a little bit....Think I am kidding about this panic attack. Here is proof. ( Sorry about the soft porn one.. but the bugs were down my shirt. Oh and the one of my "special place" was Meagen thinking it would be funny to take a picture of how I peed my pants.. but it was just a little =)...Why am I sharing this? )

(There is a crack in the window becuase the window will not roll up so I had to stuff a bag in it so the bugs would not fly in)

See..I told you.. Panic attack. After my mom and Meagen calmed me down and they stopped laughing at me Meagen and I stayed in the car the rest of the night. And by rest of the night I mean we were in the car for an hour and a half. Awesome. Meagen and I did have fun though taking funny pictures after I was calm ( .. oh side note there is a video of me when I first started going in a panic attack and I am yelling for my mom to go and get my fishing pole I just left on the ground .. it will be coming soon.. I recommend watching it.) Here are the rest of the pictures from the night. Please do not laugh at how Rotten Face Sally I am.. Seriously I had a very rough and horrible fishing experience. Panic Attacks bring out my ugly side. Obviously.

It was probably 107 degrees in the car that is why we are all shvetty. ( thats sweaty) Haha ROTTEN!

On a happier note. Congrats to Buddy who caught the only fish of the night. It was very nice! Go team Buddy!

Thanks to Buddy and Beau who took us fishing and helped us get set up and everything! You guys are awesome! Sorry for my freak out. Oh and also. I think you guys are a little nuts for sitting out there with the bugs for so long. Love you though! =) Thank you for Meagen and my mom for helping me calm down ( even though you were laughing your asses off) during my panic attack. Thank you mom for going and braving the bugs to get my pole that I just threw down after I started running. Meagen thank you for hanging out with me in the car so I would not be alone. =) Love you =)

I spent the rest of the night in the shower for about 2 hours.


jayni & ben said...

Okay you make me laugh so freakin hard. Seriously your stories are funny. But this one actually made me laugh out loud. You kill me. I would have been freakin out too. I hate things that fly. They make me sick. ewwww.

Steven said...

Haha.. Holli, I love you! Your blogs are so fun to read! I was laughing so hard during this that I think I peed my pants a little.. haha.. Let's play. I should come to a game soon, its been a while since I've come....

ps.. The word that I have to type to post this says sex. hehe

Jessa said...

oh holli, I loved this!!!!!! you make me smile sweetheart.