Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wish Me Luck

So I am on a hunt for a new job! I have my first interview next Tuesday. It is for an Office Assistant job at a Doctors Office down in Provo! Wish me luck! I hope I get it becuase todays like today at the Hell Hole Hotel makes me want to pull my hair out kick all of my co workers where it hurts and just scream and leave. But... alas... I can not do that until I have another job. So hopefully if I do not get this Doctors Office one I will find one sOoOoN!! And if they think I am giving 2 weeks once I do.. They have got anotha thing comin! =)

1 comment:

Steven said...

Haha... I hope you get it! I went to the game last night, and you weren't there. I was sad...