Friday, July 18, 2008


What time did you wake up this morning? 5:40

What do you usually have for breakfast? When I eat breakfast I throw up. So.. I don't eat breakfast.

What is your favorite CD at the moment? My "Guys are assholes" cd that Meagen made me! I am sure that the guys who drive my car really enjoy listening to it..

What kind of car do you drive? A cavalier

Favorite item of clothing? I hate wearing clothes. I would walk around in my underwear all day if I could.. Buuut I can't so I guess I have to say....Nope.. Don't have one.

If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go? Somewhere with a beach that I can lay on all day... I am leaning towards Australia

What color is your bathroom? Well MY bathroom is an oatmeal color... but the bathroom I am having to use for the summer is.. white.. I don't know..?

Where would you retire? Somewhere warm year round with a beach that.. I can lay on all day. And I think when I get old I am going to be a drunk so somewhere with a beach that has a bar on it!

Most memorable birthday? I don't have one I hate my birthday but this year was fun to get a package from Brendan and Amy it was a huge suprise!

Favorite sport to watch? Baseball during the summer and college football during the fall

Are you a morning person or a night person? I am both .... I am an early bird and a night owl .. So I am wise and I have worms.... ( The office..)

Shoe size? 6

Pets? I'd like a puppy.. or a baby kitten that would stay a kitten but... no I am so lucky as to have a dog that is a physco maniac

What did you want to be when you were little? A ballerina...I am not planning on being anything when I grow up.. I am planning on marrying money.. haha just kidding... wait.. am I?

What is your favorite candy? I like skitttles the blue and purple bag kind

What is your favorite flower? Calla lillies and daiseys

What is a day on the calendar that you are looking forward to? December 12th. The Twilight Movie

What are you listening to right now? The hotel lobby music.... for some reason it gets stuck on the song " she will be loved" by Maroon 5.. and it just repeats it.. I have heard it like 9 times in a row.. I don't bother to say anything.

What is the last thing you ate? A hersheys kiss

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? A Hotel guest

Celeb hair you covet? Jessica Simpson and Denise Richards

One of your favorite school teachers? I liked my home school teacher that I had when I started the home an hospital program. For my foods class he told me to make him a muffin and if he ate it and didnt die I got an "A".. he pretty much was the and I am pretty sure he was like 122 years old.

When was the last time you cried? Last night

What did you do last night? I made strawberry short cake and listend to the game with my mom and her friend Julie .. I cleaned my room and did laundry ( I know look at how domestic I was.... is that the right word?) And then I went to bed in a bad mood

Favorite smell? Boys who where calogne and the smell of rain

What are you afraid of? a lot of things.. Meat.. getting E coli or Salmanila..being kidnapped or raped.. being alone the rest of my life.. loosing my family.. seriously my list could go on and on oh and clowns

How many cities have you lived in? I think 4 or 5? some of them I was a baby and don't remember them but.. I was there!

How many kids do you want? 2 or 3 but I deffinitly want a boy first so if I have ever girls they can have a big brother. I always wanted a big brother.

3 bad habits? Cracking my back and neck, Worrying to much about people, all of my ocd rituals are just bad habits

If I were a billionaire I would? Get out of debt, buy health insurance, Deffinitaly Travel.. I would go to Boston to see Marco and Anthony, Go to Georgia to see Barret, and Australia to see Amy and anywhere I feel like going becuase I would deffinitaly not be working so I could just pick up and leave whenever. I would buy dream cars and houses for myself and all the people I love Do everything on my Bucket List, Donate alot of it probably wouldnt save any of it.. I am not that smart.

One life goal? Be an amazing wife and mother...maybe I should learn how to cook..

I tag? Anyone who is bored enough to fill this out.

1 comment:

Ben and Stacy said...

I always say that I want a kitten that will stay a kitten- Ben thinks it's mean that I only like little cats...But really, they get ugly when they are big. By the way, I know that you are way into the Owlz and I am proud to say that I am going to their game next Saturday (the 26th)! Maybe I will have to come find you and your fam!