Sunday, July 6, 2008

Break Through

I just wanted to share my excitment and bravery with everyone that reads my blogs. Is bravery a word? Probably not. Anyway ... I think everyone is going to be so proud of my when they read this. So its Sunday night and my mom asks me to go to the store and pick up a few things for her. I of course am doing nothing becuase I have no life so I agree to do so. So she makes a list and at the very bottom the list says " Sorry for this one Holli..but be brave..." and then it says - 3 things of...CHICKEN!!! Ah!!! I have to pick up and touch....RAW MEAT...RAW CHICKEN! SICK!!! So I head to the store and I pick up everything that was on the list and leave the raw bloody animal for last. When I get to the raw meat section of the store I look around for anyone.. a fellow shopper.. an Albertons employee... Anyone that I can ask to please pick up the meat for me and place it in my cart. No one was there so I knew I was going to have to nut up and do it myself. So I grab two of the plastic bags that you are suppose to put the meat in I put my hands in them like gloves and then I grab the paper towels and wrap a bunch around my hands atleast 8 times ( I am not kidding...) I take a deep breath and try not to throw up and I go in... I picked up the 3 things of Raw...bloody....chicken... ALL BY MYSELF!! I put them in my cart and I take off my bag/paper towel gloves and I immediatly run to the bathroom to wash my hands for 5 minutes while still trying not to throw up. I was so brave and I am so proud of myself for actually doing that...and not throwing up or crying. Go me go. I think I should be rewarded. Gold star to me! I am almost postive that someday I will end up on " Worlds funniest survaliance videos" Or something becuase I probably looked like such a dumb ass wrapping my hands in bags and paper towels and grabbing that meat. Once I got to the check out stand and start putting my items on the spinny thing for the checker to scan I left the raw meat in the cart, and he said " Did you decide no on this meat?" and I said " No.. I want it I am just waiting for you to pick it up for me.. "

1 comment:

Meagen Ridley said...

Hahaha! I almost pee'd my pants reading this.