Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I heart Yarning

I have to call it yarning becuase its not really knitting...I don't really know how to knit becuase SOMEONE never taught me. Haha Jk Clayton. Your forgiven. But until I learn how to knit for reals I have to just yarn. I bought the stuff in the knitting isle ..does that count? Anyway, Since I am a loser and have no life I yarn. Niesha and I use to have yarning parties. We would yarn and watch The Office. Pretty much it was awesome. And then we stopped. But whenever I get really bored or in a bad mood I pull out my huge bag of yarn and my little yarning tool and I start to yarn. Don't worry that I have like 9 HUGE blankets that I have made... and scarfs... and one beanie. ( You probably would only be able to put it on a cone head baby becuase its tiny and kind of retarted) Anyways I don't really know what the point of this post was.. Bordem I guess. I dont know. Maybe I should add pictures of all the stuff that have yarned. Probably wont happen though becuase my memory card is stuck in my computer. Sweet man.

1 comment:

Kacee said...

I used to have hooshay parties on a regular basis! I'm glad I'm not the only 21 year old grandma!