Thursday, November 13, 2008

For Me? You shouldn't have!

So this past week I have felt so loved. I have received a gifts from people all week! Some of them were thank you gifts, and some of them were for no good reason at all! And I love them!

On Saturday my mom brough me a bouqet of roses! Why? Becuase she knows I love having flowers in my room! ( And probably becuase they were only one dolla! And they are gorgeous!) Anyway, I forgot to take a picture of them before I came to work so I am going to post a picture of one of my favorite flowers These are Gerbera Daisies and I love them!...Well seriously I love all flowers but these are one of my favorite! They are so bright and colorful. I don't know how they could not make someones day! I always have fresh flowers in my room! But sadly I always have to buy them my self =( .. If someone sends me flowers they are my favorite person ever! Receiving flowers is my favorite thing in the entire world. I love flowers. They make me so happy. I still have flowers that that I have dried that I received in like the 7th grade. ( No I am not a pack rat ) So mom.. Thank you for my flowers you got me they are so pretty.. and pink! And you are my favorite person in the entire world.. until the next person gives me some! Hehe. Wink Wink =)

Then on Monday one of my managers here at work gave me a gift. Her name is Sarah and she is the Sales Director at the hotel. She went out of town last week to New Jersey and while she was gone we had a lot of teams and groups come in. Since she was not here she had given me the responsibility of getting all the contracts, taking all the calls, and everything set up and ready for them. So she had brought me a gift back from New Jersey to say thank you. It is so cool!!!

Thats right. You read that right. Its paper. Made out of Elephant Poo. HOW COOL IS THAT? The paper and the box it comes in is all made out of poo. I think its awesome. You can see the grass and everything in it. No it doesn't smell like poo if thats what your wondering. You can look at their website by CLICKING HERE. The website is actually really funny. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to write people notes, or thank you cards,reminder notes, anything like that so I will go through this paper fast! As soon as its gone I am going to use the little box it came in as a jewlery box! And the best part of all... ITS PINK! Thanks Sarah for my Poo Paper!

This gift I did not recieve but it was brought into work for me. On Tuesday I was not feeling well so I left work around 11:00. The person that came in after me at 3:00 brought me in one of my favorite bannana slurpee!!! Since I was not there I did not get it, and someone else drank it for me but it was the thought that counts =) Thanks Brendon! I am sure I would have drank that slurpee right up!

This morning I went into work and checked my box, and there was a book with a card taped on it in there. Its a book called "Three Cups Of Tea"

I guess its about a mountaineer who ended up in an impoverished Pakistan village after he failed climbing K2. Once he left he promised everyone in the village to come back and build a school there for them. And he ended up coming back and building over 55 schools there. Its a testament to the power of the humanitarian spirit.

There is a qoute on the back of the book that I think is really cool it says " Here in Pakistan and Afghanistan we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything-even die"

I am excited to read this book. There was a really nice card that Dennis my front desk manager wrote to me. It really made my day and made me feel better about how I am doing in my new position. The Card Says " Holli, this book represents inspiration and you inspire me. Through your honesty, hard work and your desire to learn and grow, you have inspired me. You make me smile and you keep me sane! You help to keep my work load manageable. Thank you for all that you do. Dennis."

I thought it was really sweet. So anyway, those are all my gifts for the week! I feel so loved! Thanks everyone who made my week!

Oh and side note. Today my sister Meagen is brining me Lunch. Guess what lunch is today? A 7-11 slurpee and 2 taquitos! Yes! She knows her audience..

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