Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hi I'm Holli.. And I'm an addict

Its been about 3 months now. I remembered the first time I tried it. My mom bought me them. We were on our way to Salt Lake City, and she needed to stop and get gas. I was feeling faint and I know I needed something. I asked her to get me something .. bag of chips, a cookie, maybe even a candy bar. I was suprised at what she brought me. I gave her what she calls " The Lip". The look of discust.. The what the hell did you bring me look. I was really afraid of eating them but I knew I had to. I was really afraid that what I was about to eat would make things worse. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a picky eater. I hardly eat at all. I don't eat meat, I don't eat anything I have never heard of befor, or that I can't tell what it is. I don't eat anything that once was alive, came out of something living, or anything that has blood on it befor you cook it. So you can see why I was scared to eat something that was from 7-11.
And that is where the addiction started.

This my friends is a Go Go Taquito. From the Sev Aka 7-11. From that day on I have not been able to stop eating these. This addiction has taken me as far as paying with nickles and dimes to by 2 taquitos for $2.22. I don't have alot of money but the money I do have goes to these bites of heaven. I don't know how to stop. Its embarassing me. Sometimes I drive 3 or 4 extra miles just to go to a different 7-11 just so the employees at the one by my house don't suspect me of being an addict to their taquitos. Its not all of their taquitos. Just one particular kind. Jalapeno Cream Cheese. I can't stop eating them. The looks I get I when I go into purchase them. I try and disguise my self so they don't recognize me. But when they see me asking for my 2 Jalapeno Cream Cheese taquitos and my Bananna flavored Slurpee they know its me.

Thats right. The addiction doesn't stop at the Taquitos. The slurpees..They call to me. I can't overcome the pressure and the cravings for them. And agian its not all of them. Its just the bannana flavored ones. I can't stop craving them. From the time I wake up in the morning from the time I go to bed. This addiction is taking over. I once went into my room and counted 4 slurpee cups and 3 taquito bags.

I don't even know myself anymore. I try going to different gas stations Holiday, Chevron, Maverick any gas station that does not have rolling heating units with crispy heavenly taquitos and slurpee machines but I just can't stay away. I will do anything for these. Its like when I am driving and I drive by a SEV its like someone takes over my body and makes me turn the steering wheel to the 7-11. I knew I had hit rock bottom when I walked into the Sev on Center Street in Orem and the employee there saw me and walked right to the rolling grill and got my taquitos without me asking.. and then she rang me up for my slurpee as well becuase she knew I was getting that too.

I need help. I can't stop. Its changing everything about me. My looks.. I feel like such a heffer from eating these.. I know I look like a beefkins. All I eat is 7-11.. I don't know why I let my self get like this. I am always so careful about what I eat why would I ever allow myself eat from the Sev? Look at what it has done to me.

I need to find a Taquito and Slurpee Addiction group. I need to stop this.

Having said that. If someone were to bring me a bananna slurpee from the Sev right now.. they would be my new favorite person for life. I wouldn't argue if you brought 2 jalapeno cream cheese taqutios. They are 2 for $2.22! That plus a Meduim Sized Slurpee ( Bannana Flavored remember) it comes to $3.35.. Just an Fyi


Meagen Ridley said...

I'm going to start a taquito/banana slurpee support group and we are going to meet daily at the corner of Center Street and 1200 West in Orem. See you there.

Holli said...

I know I have a problem becuase I knew that address was the 7-11 address of the top of my head. sad..

Brenda said...


My oh my what in the H E L L have I started. BTW, It's 11:43 and I just got back to work with 4 count them FOUR taquitos and 2 slurpees. AND...I think we shall have them for the supper too! L.L.

Clayton Jensen said...

Oh my dear Holli. I love your blog so much. I've been laughing the entire time I've been reading your most recent post. And now all I can think about is how much I want a taquito from the Sev. I miss you!!