Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Lately I have been feeling really depressed and having a really hard time, and feeling like life.. well.. blows. So, In Honor of Thanksgiving or as I like to call it " Rotten Animal on a Platter Day" I am going to make a list of all the things that I am greatful for in life. *Here we go!* (Mario Voice)

  • Parents who have taught me right from wrong, taught me how to love and treat others as I want to be treated. To always stick up for my self, never back down and always defend my self and people you love. Always have an arguement ready if I am in a debate. That family comes first no matter what. To be a hard worker and depend on yourself and family. To never be judgemental and always accept others for who they are. To speak whats on my mind and have an opinion. I am greatful for the relationship that I have with my parents. I know that I could go to them for anything and everything no matter what it is. Who I can hang out with them on a Friday night and have the best time ever. Who if I am in trouble I feel comfortable to go to them with my problems. I am greatful for my dad who has taught me to be chartiable. He would give his right arm to a stranger if they asked for it without thinking twice about it or asking why. He has taught me to be greatful for what I have and never complain because there is someone who is far worse then you are. A mom who has taught me to follow my heart and dream big. And no matter what life throws at you to stay positive and remember that everything happends for a reason. My parents have taught me that family is the most important thing in the world and to always be there for them and they will always be there for me. A mom who would stop whatever she is doing to be by my bedside if I am sick. I love my parents so much and they are my heros and role models. I look up to them in so many ways and I have so much respect and love for them. They both have been through so much but you never hear them dwell on it they are both so strong. And when I have my own family I only hope to be half the mom that mine is and I hope that I have a husband who is caring and loving to me like my dad is to my mom. The only boy a girl can trust is there daddy =)
  • Sisters who are my BEST friends. I love Madison and Meagen SO much! I know that no matter what I am doing with them I will have a blast and that I could go to them with anything and they will always be there for me. I don't know what I would do without my sisters. I love that we all are so different but we can always tell what eachother are thinking and are about to say. We can finish eachother sentances and I know that if I could send them a text message with a random movie line or an inside joke they would get it and know what I am talking about right away. I can't go one day without talking to Meagen and I miss Madi so much. She is in California and about to be a mom and I know that she is going to be such a good mom. She is so caring of others and so pretective of the things and people she loves. She has the biggest imaginiation and the most hilarious since of humor she makes me laugh so hard. Meagen is so giving and talented and works so hard for what she wants in life. She is an amazing sister and friend. I can't even tell you how many times she has helped me with things without even being asked. She has done so many amazing things in life and I don't think she will ever know how much I look up to her. I love Meagen and Madi and I would be so lost and sad without them in my life. I am so greatful for the relationship I have with them and I would not change anything that I have with my sisters for the world.
  • I am so greatful for such an AMAZING doctor who has saved my life on more then occasion. He is my number one Hero. He has helped me so much in the past 5 years of my life. Not just with my health but with person problems as well. There was a time where everything in my life was falling apart and going down the shitter and I went to see him for something and I just lost it and starting balling and he sat in the room with me for a good hour without getting up to leave and see other patients and just talked to me about everything and did not leave until he knew I was ok. He has given me the best advice of my life. I am so greatful for all the times he has worked so hard in making me better and making sure that every procedure, test, surgery, hospital stays went okay and that I was always being taken care of. He probably has a thousand patients but he always makes me feel like I am his number one priority. I am so greatful for him becuase he does not beat around the bush he will always tell me what is going on and what is going to happen. I am so greatful for him becuase I can be in the worst shape of my life and on my death bed but he can walk in to the room and I feel so much better becuase I know that he is going to take care of me and make sure that I get better. He has a huge spot in my heart and in my life I will never forget the things that he has done for me and my family. I honestly don't know what I would do without my Uncle James. ( Ps. He is not really my uncle I just see him so often he might as well be family)
  • A job that knows me and knows about my health problems and that allows me to leave for a month on sick leave and they will always have my job waiting for me.
  • Medicine
  • Believe it or not I am greatful for all of the shitty things that has happened to me and everything that I have been through becuase it has made me the person I am today and everything has just made me stronger.
  • I am greatful for 7-11
  • The country that I live in that the freedom that I have. I am greatful for people like Alex Winder who are fighting for me to keep that.
  • Blogs.. They keep me entertained at work.
  • A running car that get me from point A to point B
  • My parents allowing me to live in their home rent free
  • Movies
  • Who I am
  • My dog Marley
  • Living in a state that has 4 seasons
  • Moments that make me laugh
  • Moments that make me cry
  • Stars for wishing on
  • The people who have come and gone in my life
  • Dreams
  • The ability to choose right from wrong
  • Dance
  • Feeling loved
  • Loving someone
  • Makeup
  • Getting a good nights sleep in my huge comfortable sleigh bed
  • The color Pink
  • The church of Jesus Christ and Ladder day Saints
  • My book of Morman
  • Prayer
  • That I have lived to see another day
  • Repentance
  • That I did not get married last year
  • Alex for healing my broken heart..even though he broke after that. Ha. Jerk. =)
  • Being comfortable at work because I know my job and what I am doing very well.
  • Coke and Fruit snacks... pretty much what I live on.
  • Greys Anatomy
  • Trials
  • My neighbors, The Doxey Family
  • Summertime
  • Baseball
  • Britney Spears
  • My family and the very close relationship that we have
  • My friends at work who are always willing to help out and cover for me if I am sick.
  • The ability to walk talk and see
  • My cell phone
  • Books

Well there you have it. I am kind of bored with this now so maybe I'll go read or.. something. Hope you all had a good "Gross animal on a platter day" I enjoyed my fruit salad and mashed potatoes.

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