Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rock The Vote

Apparently I have to go Vote today. I have to go wait in a 4 hour line to go press a few buttons.. or check a few marks... or write a name? I don't know how it works. I have never done it befor. Can someone just do it for me? I don't want to go. But if I don't then I can't bitch about how there is a War going on and how I have had no health insurance for 4 years. Can someone important in Washington just read my blog and vote a guy for me? That would be awesome. Thanks Washington... It is Washington right?

Make love not war. And vote for someone who will get Holli health insurance.


iamskippy said...

I think Denzel Washington would do that for you if asked nicely.

I voted at UVU last week. I waited in line an hour and a half and missed 30 mins of my class to vote for the lesser of two evils and some local well meaning people.

I'm glad you pointed out that you can't complain if you don't vote. Along those lines I think that if anyone on a Vote or Die campaign DOES NOT VOTE then they should be given the death penalty.

Brenda said...


Unknown said...

Obama is your answer