Thursday, October 15, 2009

Amber Alert


I am sending out an Amber Alert for the readers of my Blog. I am pretty sure that they only people that read my blog are my sisters. I know I was MIA in the blog world for a while but I'm back and trying really hard to blog much more often. So blog stalkers, friends, random readers everyone where are you =( No one ever leaves me comments or anything. Yes all of my readers have dissapeared. So here is my Amber Alert for my readers and stalkers.
Please come back to me, I know that you are out there somewhere! I feel like I get so close when you stop by my blog but I know your not staying for long. Where ever you are I wish you could come and comment on my posts. Just so I know that you are out there and ok. Please..... come back to me.


MJW said...

Hi - I read your blog but I'm bad at commenting. I just moved so that has consumed my life. I'll try to be a better blogger! :)

Anonymous said...

i commented a few days ago! hope you are feeling better!