Saturday, April 19, 2008

Looking Forward To..

So I am at Work right now extremely bored... Like for reals. Nothing to do. Johanna, I love you but seriously this 3-11 shift sucks. Boo! Anyways, So as I stand here at the front desk with nothing to do, no one to talk to none of the people I talk to on Msn messenger are online so agian no one to talk to I am standing here with my fingers on the keyboard staring at the "new post" screen thinking of something to blog about, I decided to write a list of the things that I am looking forward to and am super excited about so here we go.
  • I am so excited for the owlz baseball season (see post below this) I am so excited to meet all the new baseball boys for the season, To be at the games, be with my "summer family" to hang out with my OG girls Gentry and Chelsea every night and to go on Road Trips and follow the team. Yay!! I can not wait!!
  • I am excited for mine and Johanna's trip to California to go to Disneyland on May 15-20th! Yay!! .. I can't wait to get away from Utah and all the drama at work and just everything and have the smell of SUGAR under my nose (ever been to dinseyland?.. It smells like sugar.) Oh note to self.. Request time off from work ... haha probably should have done that by now.... oops :)
  • I am just so excited for Summer in General. I L.O.V.E summer! I am excited for it to be warm weather, to be able to sit outside at 1:00 in the morning and not freeze your ass off. I am excited to get tan and wear shorts and flip flops! I am so excited to go to the baseball games and then come home and hang out with our baseball players that live with us and never get any sleep. Not going to bed until 4 am and then waking up at 5:30 to go to work. Haha.. Love it!! Summer time just makes life suck less. Well.. But there is just this one particular day this summer that I am not looking forward to. Plan on me being in my room and not having any human contact that entire day. You have been warned. I will be bitchy.
  • I am excited for this week to be over with. I am working a ton this week I have worked the past 3 days and now I am working the next 5 days in a row. That sucks. And I just had surgery last week so I am still not well and working just doesnt help that. So thank you Hampton Inn for letting me be sick and miserable and recover from surgery while standing at the front desk helping guests. I don't know how to thank you enough..
  • I am excited for the end of June. I won't mention why. So Moving on..
  • I am excited for my surgery " Buddah belly" to go away and to have my normal stomach back. Seriously I am sick of looking like a pregnant/fatty fatty 2 by 4
  • I am excited for May 26th! My 21st Birthday!! Not that I am excited to be turning 21 because there really is nothing exciting about that. Maybe if I was a drinker it would be a little different but I'm not so.. Whatever. Maybe I should be. Might make life more fun. I would be a fun drunk. My good bud Anthony Sullivan that I love and miss so much, told me that I would be a crazy annoying drunk! ... That could be fun :) Anyways though, I am excited because my parents told me they will take me somewhere that I can go gambling.. Legally!! Yay!!

Okay side note.. Someone just made popcorn in the lobby area... and it smells so ROTTEN. Its making me want to Puke.. Yuck. Anyways back to the list.

  • I am so very excited for Grays Anatomy to start back up. I know its retarted to be so excited about it.. but really, I am. I love Grays Anatomy. Love love love
  • I am excited for my tax return to come. Its going to be around $2,000. Doesn't sound like a lot for some people but for little ol me who is in now around $30,00 in debt... It helps. Oo and so I have money for Cali and to get summer clothes! Woo hoo!

Alright my friends. There you have it. There is my list of things that I am looking forward to and am excited about. Thanks for your time. I love you all =).. Well.. some of you. Hee Hee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you SO much for covering my shift!! I really appreciate it. If you need me to take some of yours let me know cause after tomorrow I have no love you and thank you so much again!