Monday, April 14, 2008

Freak Nasty

So, while at work when I am bored I like to read the news. I know.. Weird. Anyways, Today there is a story about a boy at a local high school who is making a petition to stop the " Dirty Dancing" At the high school dances. ( probably some girl gave him the big REJECTION to a little bumpin and grindin)..Anyway!! .. So I am reading this story and in the story it gives a deffinition to what exactly " dirty dancing" is. Btw... Why they felt the need to put in an explination I don't know.. I think we all know what it is. This was what was put in the artical.

Dirty dancing, also known as freaking or booty dancing, involves the male standing directly behind the female with his hands on her hips or around her midsection. At the same time, he presses his pelvic region against his partner's buttocks. The couple then thrust and grind to the beat of the music.

Ok... Seriously.. I actually LOL'd when I read that. Haha I felt like I was reading something from like Animal Planet with the way they used " Male and Female" Haha! Saweeet!! I laughed... And if you didnt.. your.. a loser... Thats all.


More Bacon said...

That is a very strange, scientific description.

It does seem like something straight from Animal Planet.

I can just imagine the video of animals doing that which would go along with that narration. Too funny.

McKenna said...

HEY, you've added my blog to your listings and you didn't tell me you had a blog too!!!! Good thing I had the brilliant idea today to go through all of my friends on Facebook to see if they had a blog, cause my friends like list has really been lacking. YAY!!! now we can keep in touch. I miss you Holli!!

McKenna said...

Oh, so that's what freak dancing is!