Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Wiiiiikend

Wouldn't it have been cool if I played the Wiii all weekend so I really did have a wiiiikend? I didn't play Wii at all.. I just spell retarted. Anyways. My weekend started out not very good. At work on Friday the day started out very bad. I got into a fight with a crazy girl. Litteraly. Cuh-Ray-Zeee Who happeneds to be a manager. ( I can say that she is crazy becuase she is no longer a manager. Guess I don't need to tell you who won that battle, eh). But seriously. Got into a fight. For a minute there I thought I was going to lose my job. Actually now that I think about it I have that feeling alot... feeling of loosing my job becuase of that reason. Maybe I should stop arguing with the managers?..Hmm thought that through and that was a stupid idea.

So the day continued to be a crappy day. It was just one of those days that I want to pull my hair out and just walk out of the hotel. It was one of those days that gives me motivation to find a new job quick style. But the bright and shiney Holli kept a good attitude even though I was having a crappy day. Later that day I got a call from an on call employee at the Hotel her name is Melinda. She worked as the front desk manager at the hotel for a long time now she just works on call. Anyway she called to tell me that there is an opening at the company she works at for a receptionist/ Administrative assistant/travel cordinator job, and wanted to know if I was interested. UH.. Chellloooo. Of course I am! I had an interview yesterday for it and I think it went really well. The job sounds amazing and something that I would really want to do. Full benifits, good pay, and it is a really good company. So I am just waiting to hear back from them about it. Going along with my post below this how I am trying to have a better attitude about everything starting to go back to church and everything I know that this was a blessing. Even if I don't get the job it made me realize that my prayers are being answered and that good things will come if I put effort into this. And for the record I have been to church 2 weeks in a row and I went to all 3 meetings this Sunday, I have said my prayers every night and I have kept a good attitude all week and been really helpful at work and at home. I even have a horrible cold that I am pretty sure is turning into bronchitas and I have not even been Sick Bitchy Holli! Yay! Go me go!

I got my hair done this weekend. I have not had it cut or colored since July 4th. And my hair grows like a freaking Chia Pet on stairoids. It grows SOO Fast so the color was this poo brown color and it was long and dead. So pretty much it was FUGLY. Anyways so now I am a blondie agian with Bangs! Thats right. I said bangs. I have bangs.
See I told ya. Bangs. Wow I look Rotten Face Sally in that picture.

Anyways also this weekend I went to Ikea. That place is like a whole other world! I want to live in Ikea!!! It would be like a new home every day!!! I really want to live there! Ikea Ikea Ikea! There is this chair that I really love with all my heart. I am going to get it for my room with my next pay check. I had no money to buy anything but a swedish chocolate bar. The ingrediants were all in swedish so I was afraid to eat it. I just looked on Ikea's website to find a picture of my chair to post and everything is Swedish on there too! I don't speak Swedish! I am not a Swedin!

I saw Eagle Eye this weekend. Ohhhh Myyyy Ga. ( If you are a Will and Grace fan you got that) That movie was SOOO STUPID. " Oh no the big Golden Christmas Ordament is going to destroy the world!" So stupid! The only thing that kept me going was that Shia is B E A UTIFUL!. Seriously. That is one good piece of man. Yu-uh-Me. OH MY GOSH!!! So I forgot! I need to do a bitchy blog post about this. Ok so there was this couple sitting next to us. And side note this was opening weekend for this movie. People were dumb and thought this was going to be a good movie so the theatre was packed ok. So no seats in between couples we were RIGHT NEXT to eachother. And this ROTTY ROT girl is LITTERALY curled up in a ball on top of her boyfriend and her EVEN MORE ROTTY ROT boyfriend is like holding her. .... .... .... .... ... WHO DOES THAT?!!? ARE YOU F WORD KIDDING ME WITH THIS? Can you really not stay off of eachother for 2 hours to go to a movie. Hand holding fine. Boys arm around Girl fine. Girl curled up in a ball while boy holds girl. UN ACCEPTABLE. You look like a 3 year old douche bag. If you want to be all over eachother like that make it a Blockbuster night and find a couch. Ugh.

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