Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It has been brought to my attention that I am becoming some what of a big fat fatty. Seriously. I have become a fatty fatty 2 by 4 can't fir threw the kitchen door. I am not longer my size 0 that I have been for the past 9 years of my life. When I finally hit over 100 pounds my doctor clapped and cheered. Now when I go to the doctor and walk down the hall to the scale its like I am making China aware that the fatty is now stepping on the scale so hold on to your valuables.. booom boooom boooom. To bad none of this weight went to an area where I could use to put a little more plump in.. *Cough the breasticals cough* I still have the mind set that I can eat whatever the hell I want whenever the hell I want. Sadly.. those days are over. I know that I am not the healthiest eater, and I have also been doing research online about the side effects of some of the medication I am on. 4 out of the 7 cause weight gain... that's great. Since I can't stop taking them I guess all I can change are my eating habits. So as soon as I finish my 4th Reese's peanut butter cup this morning I will look up diets and see which one sounds good. I am not writing this to get comments saying " Oh no Holli, you don't need to diet your not fat".. Please... Shut Yo mouth!
I am wearing a big ol BIG O TIRE around my waist, and I fear that will turn into a monster truck tire.

I want to have my size zero dancer body back... that body that had a 4 pack of muscles on her stomach. Not this fat fat fatty one. I need to pop the tire. I need to eat and drink better and start working out again. Get back in shape. I am going to brave to say may weight on here. I weigh around 125 right now..... I would like to loose at least 10 pounds.. Its time to bust out my Suzanne Somers exercise DVDs, and my Pilate's mat and start back up! Also, I am off to find some diets to start on. If anyone knows of a good one let me know!!! And like at the zoo don't feed the animals.. please don't feed me. This is Operation Pop The Tire.

I will keep you updated on the status of this operation and hopefully when I am done I will look like


Meagen Ridley said...

Don't feed phil!

Niesha said...

I PUNK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Remember? Remember? I miss those days and I am sad to say that my new job does not approve of hot pink and skulls clothing... so I was forced to move on. I am thinking of turning Indie, and you should too...that is not far off from Hippie ...Right??
Holli... you are beautiful no matter how many pounds you have. But I was wondering if you will pop my spare tire while you at it???

I would love to make you a new header...just send me some ideas and I should be good to go.