Sunday, December 27, 2009

voo doo bobby pins

There is some freaky ass stuff going on in my apartment. First of all.. for like the past 2 months Meagen and I have heard people trying to get into our apartment in the middle of the night. As soon as we hear our door knob start to jiggle the dog wakes up and bolts to the living room and starts barking like crazy. ( Dogs always know when someone is out there....) This has happened on nights when we are both there and it has happened on nights that we have been alone. Its freaky. And with all my major fears of being kidnapped .... lets just say the kidnapper clothes have turned into like my entire closet being dumped out on my bed. ( * If you don't know the story of my crazy kidnapper clothes... leave a comment and I will post the story**)

Thats not even the creepy part!! The other night I was playing with Tonka and he ran under my bed so I went under the bed to get him out... and I found this.....


( And I actually screamed that out when I found them...)

I would not be freaked out at all if these bobby pins were still straight. Becuase I mean lets face it the best place to look for bobby pins is on my bedroom floor =) ..But the fact that they are all bent like that!? Tonka is not capable of bending them like that... I don't bend them like that and then throw them underneath my bed.. What the hell!? There is a TON of them like that under my bed... Those were just the only ones that we pulled out there is still probably close to 15 more under there. I can't sleep with my hair up so its always down which means there is no bobby pins in my hair that I could be taking out in my sleep and bending them and throwing them under the bed! We have some crazy freak doing voo doo with bobby pins in our apartment! AhHhH! We are living in House on Haunted Oakhurst!


McKenna said...

Yeah, I'm not liking the idea of someone jiggling the door knob at night but...the kidnapper clothes story must be told!

Mikaela Munk said...

FREAKY!!! What's your kidnapper story?!