Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend spent with boxes

**Authors Note: In this post you will see a discusting could be used as black mail picture of me. I am not fat. I am not pregnant. This is what it looks like when your bladder and stomach is so full of liquid because you can't pee that it starts to grow... and gets distended... and makes you look like you are 5 months pregnant. One last thing. I'm not sure why my hand is placed where it is placed. I'm not talking about the one that the dog is on. Thanks bye.**

I helped Meagen move this weekend. A person with Fibromyalgia and rotten Kidneys should not be moving. I was not much help.

Old Place New Place

I helped pack but the actual MOVE part of the weekend... I spent babysitting the dog. Ha... And by babysitting I mean this...

I love her new place, and am so excited for her! She is getting a much better deal, its so pretty and she will be very happy there! Although, moving her from her old apartment to her new apartment really just put me in a bad mood. Well, who am I kidding. I am always in a bad mood so it put me in an even worse mood. It just got me thinking how badly I would love to move out. Not for the reasons every other person my age wants to move out. Oh wait. Every other person my age is married so .. not for the reasons ever 18 year old wants to move out... can't stand their parents, they have rules, they want to go out and party. Life at home is pretty good, I can pretty much do whatever I want, my rent is a 12 pack of coke each month so its not that its bad living at home I just really do not want to be one of those people who goes from living at home to getting married and moving out. I want to be able to experience life on my own. I don't think I could ever move in with people I don't know. To be honest I hate girls. Since 7th grade I have always only had like 2 or 3 friends that were girls the rest were guys. Girls just have drama and I hate drama. I just don't want to be around it.

But.. I am afraid I will never be able to move out. I pick and choose who gets paid each week because I never have enough to pay everyone that I owe including my car insurance, gas, phone bill, and enough left over to have a life with... like buying that cute shirt from Target that I know I could live without but I need to buy it anyway so that I can wear it once and then hang it up in my closet for 3 years. Ugh. Maybe I just need a change. Maybe I will paint and re do my bathroom. . . . wait. Thought about that Idea and that was a dumb idea. I don't want to do it but if anyone else would like to feel free. I will make you lemonade. But don't plan on getting paid ... like.. ever. =)

1 comment:

Brady and Madi said...

You can move in with me if you get up with Kelvin at night, yes yes? :)