Sunday, May 15, 2011

Here To Make An Apperance

Well here go.

I havent  blogged in so long because I don't have a computer at home to blog from. I know how sad is that? I know you all miss my blog dearly so to all my readers my birthday is May 26th so if you miss it buy me a laptop then you will get lots of hollipocket blog posts! Yay!

I have some things I would like to post about becuase it is so exciting and so thoughtful that It is totally blog worthy. Other things I have debated on blogging about it becuase well its depressing and then I thought when I have ever had anything against being depressive and negative on my blog... well hmm. never so what the hell?

So here we go. The Good, The Bad, and the everything else


I started with the good becuase your always suppose to start with the good right? First of all I owe a big shout out to my sister and BFF Meagen who has recently started working at great new job and Center for Change. I just knew that she would find a great job and at a place she will love. After being there a week she has already received a promotion and I am so proud of her. I admire her and her strength and work ethic and the ability to be able to start a new job with a great attitude and hopes for the future. I for one am terrified to start a new job and Meagen has deffinitly been someone I look up to when it comes to never loosing hope that something will come along and everything will be okay. I am so happy for her and I am familar with Center for Change becuase I worked with them as a corporate client at the hotel and I know its going to be a wonderful place for her to be and I hope she loves it and goes far there! Go Meagen Go!

I have been in California since the first week of April and while I have been here I have recieved some AUSSIE love! I have recieved a wonderful birthday package from my beautiful friend AMY ( Thanks Amy!) filled with aussie love! She sent the most ADORABLE shirts ever and soome yummy snacks! She always sends me something on my birthday and it always makes my entire day and I am so greatful to have such an amazing friends like her and even though we have never met she is so special to me! One day I will go to Australia and meet my beautiful Aussie Friend! ( and hear her cute accent! hehe)
Another AMAZING Aussie birthday gift I recieved is so special to me and makes me relized how loved I am and again how blessed I am to have amazing people in my life. My Aussie Mom and Dad Lynn and Neil have given me two such special birthday gifts to me that I will always cherish. On my 21st birthday they gave me this BEAUTIFUL pink stone that I had set in a ring and it is so precious to me. And about 2 months ago I posted on facebook about this beautiful Marilyn Monroe blanket that I found and fell in love with but I did not have the money to buy. ( I think everyone knows how much I LOVE Marilyn Monroe) Well, Neil just happened to be in the states last month (I am so sad that I was not in Utah at the time so I missed being able to see and get together with him) While he was in Utah he went and FOUND the Marilyn blanket and bought it for me and delivered it to my house. How amazing is that?!? They are so amazing to me and make me feel so loved and always call me their American Daughter and I love that! They will never know how much that gift means to me and again I will always cherish. They said they didn't know if it was the same one that I wanted and I coulld exchange it if I wanted to but I will keep the one they picked out for me. I love it so much and will always think of them when I use it. Which will be alot!  Thank you Aussie mom and dad and Thank you sweet Aussie Amy!  You guys are so special to me and I hope you know that and how much I love all of you.

Also My sister Madi got me a KICK ASS gift as well! She got me a bottle of Marilyn Monroe Wine called Marilyn Merlot! How awesome is that! Uhmazing!!


Well... Ill be honest I have been working on this post for a month now. I will just say this, My california visit did not turn out the way we wanted it to. I got sick about five days before I left with the worst stomach flu virus thing in the entire world! MISERABLE! I would tell you what came next but to be honest... I litteraly don't remember. I dont remember like the first week and a half I was here and there is still alot of missing days and pieces of days that I just do not remember I have been so sick and the medication I have been taking its just been sucky. I wont go into detail about it all mainly I will just give a shorter version of it all. Here we go.. ( and remember this has all happpened in just one month.)  Thought I had the measles, went to an insta care they said go straight to the hospital. Went to the hospital no measles was treated for this horrible cough I had. Then came the most awful neck pain I have ever experienced had a bad fever constintaly had the cold sweats just feeling miserable. So went to another insta care immediatly sent me to the hospital to be tested for menigitis. Waited in the ER waiting room for about 7 hours to be seen. ( Thats a whole other story lets just say I was NOT a happy patient after that. O M G!) Had the spinal tap no menigitis- but didnt really tell me what else it could be just sent us on our way. ... still miserable with neck pain and headaches then I started having tremors like big time. Mom and Joe said I needed to go to the hospital and I fought them becuase I did NOT want to go back there but I knew I needed to go. Got medicine to stop the tremors had a brain and neck MRI apparently they found a cycst on my brain but i guess its not that big of a deal so whatev! aaaaand then today still having neck pain have not slept in like forever and having horrible horrible kidney pain.. went to the insta care again they said I have a kidney infection.Oh and on top of this I have had the WORST sunburn ever! I cant even explain how bad my skin looks right  now I had this awesome tan and now I just look like a lepor. Ugh FML!!!! I will say this, I am so greatful that I was in California when all of this happend, it was sooo nice to have my mom with me while being sick I dont care how old you are, you still want your mom when your sick! And she took great care of me as well did Joe. They made it possible for me to get seen and checked out and able to get the treatment that I needed. I don't think I would have been able to get that if I had been in Utah. So so very greatful for that and big thank you to them! ( And let me be clear this part of the blog was only the "THE BAD" section becuase of how sick I have been thats all)

Even though it was not the stay we were expecting because of me being so sick I have really loved being here and on the days that I felt somewhat OK we were able to go out to movies or go fishing and I have just really enjoyed spending time with them and have had a lot of fun. They have been kind enonugh to allow me to spend the summer with them if I want and I think I am going to take them up on that offer and spend the summer out here working and enjoyingtime with them and the sun! I have had a GREAT time with them this past month and I cant wait to get back out here. And unfortunetly the " holli is a bitch becuase she doesnt  feel good" side of me came out while I have been here and so if they are willing to offer me to stay for the summer after seeing that side of me... I guess they like me enough to spend more time with them even after that side of me coming out. They are brave people.
( My new fibro shirt! Sorry for the rotten face sally picture of me... focus on the shirt!)
Thursday May 12th was National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!! I want to wish all my Fibro Friends a Happy Day and let them know how much I love them and am so greatful for their support. No one can truly understand until you live with it and my fibro friends are such strong fighters and help me be strong too! HAPPY FIBROMYALGIA AWARENESS DAY!!!  If I had a cake for that day with candles on it I would wish for more awareness on this awful disease. For people to try and understand and really try to know fibro before making an opinion or place judgement about it and the people who have it. I have been living with Fibromyalgia for eight years and it is a hard hard battle every single day I know this is something I will have my entire life and I will be apart of the fibro crusade the rest of my life! Yay For Fibro Fighters!

Just a few other things- I was able to be here for my nephews SECOND BIRTHDAY!!!! YAY KELVIN!!!! Even though I was mostly out of it the entire weekend I spent with them I LOVED being able to have Easter Dinner with Madi and Brady and be able to here for Kelvins Birthday. I just love spending time with them and I just cant get enough of Kelvin! And Madi also took good care of me while she was also taking care of brady who just had shoulder surgery a few days before! She is Super Mom! Thank you!!


Well I am not sure if there is anything else to share just that I really miss blogging. Even though I dont have anythinig exciting to blog about sometimes its just nice to be able to pop in and say Hey Im still alive and just talk blog about random stuff like how I think im going to start wearing a watch.. its my new thing. Or sharing pictures of the box of balloons I stole! ( Hehehe yeah I totally did... it was on accident though... I returned them.... I figured I couldnt afford another strike on my record!) But hopefully you will be seeing more of me my mom is nice and lets me take over her laptop while I am here sooooo THIS SUMMER COMING TO A LAPTOP OWNED BY YOU..... HOLLIS BLOG POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahah Oooopsie! My bad
Love you sibligns, friends, mom and joe, and stalkers. Im so glad I have you and you read my blog even though I only make an appearence like every 5 months. . . I used to be such a good blogger. Oh wait that was becuase I was working and had nothing else better to do then blog. hmmmm.
Peace Out!
Oh and just a picture of how The California sun left me with this rot ass tan line
 COME ON!!!!!


LaCimOuRiTsEn said...

Holli! I'm so happy you're back for a minute!!
Get well soon!!
I love your face!!

Kidakaen said...

lol. At least you tan. I just look like a tomato, then a leper, then back to exactly where I was. *sigh* Tanning is a totally fruitless pursuit for me.

Janet Christine said...

I'm so glad you are now back in CA! We will definitely have to get together this time for sure. <3 And yay for all your Marilyn love for your birthday!